Featured Teachers

Jennifer Rodgers: Embracing Tough Conversations

It was in August, 2017, when the “Unite the Right” rally brought White supremacists and neo-Nazis to a violent confrontation  in  Charlottesville, Va. that Jennifer Rodgers,  a US and Comparative Government and Politics, International Relations, and Global Social Issues teacher at Dominion High School in Virginia,  felt that… [continue reading]

Cerasela Marin: Teaching the Holocaust in Romania

For Cerasela Marin, who teaches middle school history in in Campina, Prahova, Romania, the TOLI experience has enabled her to teach the Holocaust and had a major impact on how her students see others in an increasingly diverse society. “There is very little in our school… [continue reading]

Parkland Teacher and TOLI Alumna Donna Amelkin

When news broke in February that a shooting took place at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, we quickly became aware that a 2017 New York TOLI Seminar alumna was in the school during the tragedy. Donna Amelkin, a teacher of 25 years with a Masters degree in Social… [continue reading]

Corey Harbaugh: leading the way in Michigan

Corey Harbaugh recently served as local co-host of TOLI’s Leadership Conference for Holocaust Educators held in Detroit in October 2017. Corey is accustomed to serving in leadership roles. In the fall of 2016, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder appointed him to the Governor’s Council on Genocide and Holocaust Education, which guides… [continue reading]

Program Director Dr. Sondra Perl, Winner of the CCCC Exemplar Award

The Olga Lengyel Institute and the Memorial Library are proud to announce that Dr. Sondra Perl, founder and director of the Holocaust Educators Network (HEN), received the Exemplar Award from the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) in 2016. The CCCC is the world’s largest professional organization for researchers and… [continue reading]

Nadine Ulseß-Schurda

“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect,” wrote Oscar Wilde. Today, Wilde’s words resonate as the mission statement of the Bundesrealgymnasium (BRG) in der Au, the middle school and high school in Innsbruck, Austria where Nadine Ulsess-Schurda incorporates Holocaust education into her teaching of English and German. “I’ve… [continue reading]