Featured Teachers

Livia Ghiurcuta: 5-Year Impact Grant Recipient

“TOLI: It changes you. It makes you want to get involved in the life of the community you live in. It encourages you to find out less known things, to love and look at history with different eyes.” – Livia Ghiurcuta, 5-year TOLI Impact Grant recipient. Livia teaches… [continue reading]

Kimberly Jones: Why I became a Holocaust Educator

Meet Kimberly Jones, high school teacher from Chapel Hill, NC who participated in TOLI’s 2022 Seminar on Holocaust and Human Rights Education. When Kimberly Jones, a high school English teacher from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, first taught the Holocaust seventeen years ago, she probably didn’t anticipate it would become a… [continue reading]

Horaţiu Suciu: Teaching Jewish History in Romania

Jews in Romania, once home to one of Europe’s largest Jewish communities, suffered deeply during the Holocaust. Nearly 400,000 Jews were killed in Romania or territories it controlled as an ally of Nazi Germany, with only 10,000 or so living in the country today. Yet young Romanians know very little… [continue reading]