Impact Grant Application (US)

Please fill out all fields when applying for a impact grant. Requests will be reviewed by the directors of TOLI, who may suggest changes before submitting your proposal. Please note that mini-grants are only available to graduates of TOLI seminars. If you would like to join our network, please apply to attend one of our programs.

  • Please describe your project in an abstract of no more than 100 words
  • Attach as a document of no more than four pages.

    Include the following in your proposal narrative:
    • a detailed description of the project and your implementation plans (what you intend to do and why);
    • a timeline and schedule of planned events and activities;
    • the approximate number of students, teachers, or community members involved;
    • the intended outcomes of your project: what is the anticipated benefit to your students, your school, your community, or your WP site (if applicable)?
    Accepted file types: zip, doc, docx, pdf, txt, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Attach as a document of no more than two pages.

    Please include an itemized budget with an explanation of how all requested funds will be spent. Indicate date by which funds will be needed.
    Accepted file types: xls, doc, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • Information and address to which check should be sent

    The Memorial Library cannot make out mini-grant checks to individuals. Therefore please indicate the institution that will serve as the fiscal sponsor for your grant.