Category Archives: TOLI in the News

Op-Ed: To Fight Antisemitism, Improve Holocaust Education

TOLI Executive Director, Deborah Lauter: Broad philanthropic support for combating antisemitism must include greater investment in teaching about the Holocaust.

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Op-Ed: Challenging the misguided Holocaust-Gaza comparisons

Accusing Israel of ‘genocide’ for going into Gaza and taking proactive steps to eliminate those who slaughtered their families, not only debases the term, but also fuels surge in antisemitism worldwide

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As nationalism rises in Serbia, a Holocaust education seminar for teachers gets more popular

We are pleased to share with you this article in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) news service about the TOLI seminar in Serbia, the impact it has had on teachers, and the importance of our Holocaust programs in Eastern Europe.

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EdWeek: Teaching the Holocaust Is Daunting—But Critical

Read TOLI Executive Director Deborah Lauter’s Op-Ed, “Teaching the Holocaust is Daunting–But Critical” that appeared in the national publication,  Education Week,  in conjunction with International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27.   Read more in Education Week>>

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RNS: Teaching teachers about the Holocaust and its lessons for democracy today

The Olga Lengyel Institute trains schoolteachers to view the Holocaust as a prism for understanding social injustice, bigotry and hatred. Read more in Religion News Service>>

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TOLI-Supported Project Wins International Discovery Award

The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes honored a Nebraska high school student with the 2022 International Discovery Award for a TOLI-supported project. Gracie Conrad, a junior at Loup County High School won the award for her film documenting Betty Goudsmit-Oudkerk, an unsung hero from the Holocaust. Conrad’s teacher Meagan McNeil Heilberg, participated in the […continue]

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Year-End Reflection from TOLI Executive Director, Deborah Lauter

I first learned about the Holocaust in my ninth grade world history class in Sacramento. My teacher put a picture of Hitler up on a screen, pointed at me and said, “You’re a Jew. Tell the class about the Holocaust.” You can imagine my humiliation at being singled out in that way—compounded with the fact that […continue]

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TOLI Seminar Leader Nicole Korsen’s Lesson Featured in PBS Documentary

Nicole Korsen is an English teacher at Dominion High School in Sterling, Virginia, and one of TOLI’s Satellite Seminar leaders. She created the lesson “The Symbolism of the Statue of Liberty” featured in the new Ken Burns PBS documentary “The U.S. and the Holocaust”. Find “The Symbolism of the Statue of Liberty” on PBS here>> […continue]

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MassLive: Ken Burns Holocaust documentary raises important questions, say survivors, educators

Ken Burns’ new PBS documentary offers a multi-layered look into a democracy built on immigration and egalitarianism likely to resonant with viewers as those interviewed discuss anti-Semitism, racism and authoritarianism in the country when the Nazis rose to power in Germany and began to introduce anti-Jewish legislation and propagate hatred against the Jewish population. Educator Cara Crandall […continue]

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New York’s former hate crimes czar has a new mission: teaching the Holocaust

Three years after her appointment as the head of the brand-new office, Lauter stepped down in March to take a new job as executive director of the Olga Lengyel Instute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights, or TOLI, a New York-based nonprofit that promotes Holocaust education. Read more in the JTA>>

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For more information about The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights (TOLI), please contact

TOLI is located at 58 East 79th Street in Manhattan. (get directions)