On page 180, Perl reflects on the impact of place on identity, “wondering whether there is a connection between terrain and the character of a people…wonder[ing], again, if the ecology of a land and the ethnicity of a people are in any way related.” Perl pushes the question of identity. How much does our place, its terrain and its history, shape our identities?
This reminds me of Krug’s concept of heimat, where she asks: “How do you know who you are, if you don’t understand where you come from?” Both Perl and Krug are searching for understanding, understanding of their histories, of the Holocaust, of the impact of place. While Perl initially resists the trip to Austrian soil and all the history that comes with her trip, Krug actively searches out the meaning of home. Both push their readers to question their own identity and place in the world. Both left me questioning my identity, my place, and my role – as an educator and a person.